Check-IT-Out: Arlington, TX

The Seed Company is hosting a joint special event with Wycliffe Bible Translators called “Check-IT-Out” for information technology (IT) and software development professionals May 15 – 16, 2009 at The Seed Company, in Arlington, TX.

Conference topics include Introduction to the World of Wycliffe; Business Application Software; Language and Translation Support Software; Challenging Language Scripts; Telecommunication Challenges; International Training; demonstrations of cutting edge programs like the FieldWorks Suite and Speech Analyzer and a brief tour of the IT department at The Seed Company.

The May 15 -16, 2009 Check-IT-Out conference runs 1:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The $100 registration fee includes three meals, snacks, and conference materials. Registration and more information is available at

The conference in Arlington is part of a series of Check-IT-Out conferences. Currently Wycliffe has openings for close to 205 IT professionals worldwide.