Closer and closer, but …

Our little email migration project, which started with our own IT department about a year ago, is now at the 83% mark. No, that’s not a special number or anything – it’s just where we are today. Now, we are getting to the point of having only 100 accounts left to deal with, and I’m pretty excited about that – the countdown will begin soon!

The trouble that has us all pretty down, though, is the fact that the young woman that I hired back in June to help with this project is facing a lot of issues with securing continued permission to live and work in the United States. It’s not appropriate to give details, but I want to take advantage of the attention you’re giving this note to ask you to pray for her. The situation could have an awful, sorrowful end if left to humans alone.

Please pray that God would cause our sister in Christ to find favor with the authorities who will make decisions about her future. Pray for the God of peace to bring calm to her heart and fill her with faith in His ability to provide for her always, no matter what the circumstances. Pray for His Spirit to be her constant companion and comfort when the world lets her down.

Yet I myself am not worried. I know that she is in good hands, since we serve the one who said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)