Saying goodbye to friends … for now

A few hours ago, we said goodbye to some folks who have been good friends for the past three and a half years. Loren and Kensey Ledebuhr and their two children are on the last leg of a journey that’s going to take them away from Dallas to serve Wycliffe in Papua New Guinea. Our kids have played together and learned together, and they probably don’t understand what tonight’s goodbye meant. The four of us adults have enjoyed a good friendship that spanned life at the office and in the home, and you just hate to give up something like that.

On the other hand, God desires to use His children wherever they are willing to go. Loren and Kensey’s skills will be put to good use in PNG, and I won’t grudge the Lord having and using them there instead of here. Really.

“The LORD bless you
and keep you;

the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;

the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV)

Ya gotta love a good plugin

There’s not really much point to this post except to test a plugin that I’ve installed on the site called Scripturizer. It’s supposed to take Bible references and link them out to the text available at BibleGateway, which is a great resource. All I have to do, they say, is write something like John 3:16. That’s it!

Welcome to!

OK, I’ve been serving Wycliffe for four years now in an IT position – that’s Information Technology, if you don’t know – and haven’t put up a website. Until now. Katherine and I feel that we’ll be better at communicating what’s going on in our ministry and the rest of life by using a site like this one. If you register and subscribe, then you can get updates whenever we post something – whether it’s news, a letter that you can print, or pictures of our two rascals. Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. So click that “Register” link and get started!