Newsletter, February 2018

At last, the air is clear of the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and … my hometown team winning a certain celebrated sporting event. Valentine’s Day, the Olympic Games—they’re all behind us. May we all breathe again now?

Apart from the activity of the above, our time in the U.S. has been fairly uneventful, which is just as a so-called “furlough” often should be. J and C are doing well in school. We get to spend a good amount of time with my side of the family, most of whom live in the area. It has been a period of restfulness threaded with an urge to return to work and life in Germany.

Part of this time is intended for reconnecting with those who faithfully keep us busy and active while we’re serving away from home. During the busiest times of year, though, it’s not easy to visit those folks. With spring arriving, our schedule of events is picking up. Here’s where we anticipate being over the next several months:

  • March 4: The Blue Church, Springfield, PA, 9:00–1:00 PM (combined Sunday school class, worship, lunch)
  • March 10: Aldan Union Church, Aldan, PA, 8:00–10:30 AM (missions conference breakfast)
  • March 14: Aldan Union Church, Aldan, PA, 7:00–8:30 PM (missions conference panel discussion)
  • March 18: Aldan Union Church, Aldan, PA, 9:00–1:00 PM (missions conference Sunday school, worship)
  • April 13-15: Pender United Methodist Church, Fairfax, VA (missions conference)
  • April 29: Parkwood Baptist Church, Annandale, VA, 9:30–12:00 PM (combined Sunday school, lunch)
  • June 11-13: South Carolina (tentative visits)
  • June 13-19: First Presbyterian Church, Duncanville, TX (worship, friends in vicinity)
  • June 19-27: Centennial, CO (family visit)
  • June 27-July 2: Brookdale Church, Saint Joseph, MO (worship, family visit)
  • August 3: Germany?

If you live near any of these places (or along our likely route) and would like to get together with us, please let us know! You can find our email address in the newsletter:

February 2018: A Liddle Good News (for viewing on-screen)

February 2018: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

When you pray for us, please keep our stamina the threat of travel fatigue before the Lord our God. We are grateful to you for being a part of our Wycliffe ministry!

Newsletter, October 2016

“Excuse me,” you say, “but it’s not October. It hasn’t been for, well, almost a month.”

Oh, but don’t you wish it was? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do Thanksgiving all over again? You could skip the regrettable things you did—like have that fifth piece of pie. Really, four was plenty.

The printed and mailed version of this newsletter of ours did indeed go out in October. They were fiber-rich and fat-free. The ones linked from this message are equally so—you may read either without fear of overstuffing yourself. Please do, because we don’t want any leftovers.

October 2016: A Liddle Good News (for viewing on-screen)

October 2016: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

The following pictures will help you see how I (David) have occasionally kept myself busy with bigger projects:

Installing APs in KarimuMounted AP, completed KarimuNew phones come in ...... old phones go outPhone lines aren't pretty, but useful

Newsletter, April 2016

After more than two years in the making ….

OK, not really.

The worst newsletter writers in all of Christendom bring to you the summary of summaries, an imitation CliffsNotes® of our Wycliffe ministry since 2013.

That’s bad. That’s really, really bad. It’s award-winning bad. And bad means not good, not right. It’s not right that I fail to communicate with the people who care about the work that we do for Wycliffe and with the people who faithfully ensure that it continues. Without regular contact, I’m apt to focus on what is in front of me and to put out of my mind that and those who are not in front of me. We have two conflicting sayings in English, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” and “Out of sight, out of mind.”

Our ministry to Wycliffe has been steady and predictable for many moons now. Yes, you can indeed read about it—and see pictures!—in our newsletter. It’s a short read:

April 2016: A Liddle Good News

If you read that, then the following pictures and descriptions will make more sense. Since the newsletter was actually written, Katherine has moved into the library’s new space, and I have finished assembling my wireless access point mounts.

Progress in the library
More has been done since this photo was taken, but this new workspace was a nice addition.
My final design
This is my final design of the wireless access point mounts to go on the walls of the new guest lodgings.