For the past few years, C has had blood tests done to see if his sensitivity to any of his food allergies has subsided. This year, there was an indication that it would be a good time to test him directly on soy.
Yesterday, Katherine took him up to the allergist’s office, where he was given a little soy milk to drink under the observation of the doctor. After several small drinks of the stuff – which, amusingly enough, he disliked – and a few hours’ time, he had not reacted. By bedtime, there was still no reaction. This morning, C had no signs of his usual symptoms. If he’s clear tomorrow, after the 48-hour mark, then he can start trying measures of soy foods on a regular basis.
What an answer to prayer this would be! It’s difficult enough for Katherine to accommodate his allergies here in the U.S., but it will take research and special language study to ensure that we can provide for his diet in Germany. Don’t stop praying!