Chipping away at the future

So here’s a report on our preparing to go to Germany:

Despite uncertainty in the housing market, our Realtor – the fellow who helped us buy our house – doesn’t think that we’ll have a problem selling it. I’m working on replacing the flooring in the family room, living room, and hallway, which he agrees will help the house’s appeal. It’s really nice to finally tear up what I’m certain is the most hideous vinyl pattern on the planet. If you don’t believe me, I can mail you a sample.

One big task that we face is figuring out where the boys will go to school. Not only does it have the obvious effect on their education, but it will also determine where we live. Katherine and I are collecting information on what it would be like for them to go to local German schools – we’re writing and talking to people who have done the same thing, writing to school leaders, and learning more about the school system. My prayers about this matter always revolve around getting accurate information and resisting the development of an unreasonable bias toward one option.

After we make this decision, it’ll be easier to formulate a budget for our ministry in Germany so that we know how our current financial support stacks up against what we’ll need there. Before we go, we’ll need to seek out the people God has set apart to complete the funding of our ministry. In fact, Wycliffe won’t clear us to leave the U.S. until we are fully supported – that’s one of the ways they look after the best interests of their members. Jesus thought it common sense that a person would make sure that he could finish a project before starting it (Luke 14:28-30). Our ministry is no different.

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Published by

David Liddle

I grew up in Media, Pennsylvania, close to Philadelphia. I graduated from The Citadel in 1994. In 1995, I joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and have served in Africa, the United States, and Germany. Katherine and I were married in November 1998.

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