When you make the decision to be a part of our ministry with Wycliffe in Europe and beyond, here’s what you need to know.
If you’re committing to pray for us and want to let us know, you can go to this Wycliffe site to indicate that. You people who are crazy-committed to praying for us should probably give us a phone call when the Spirit drives you to pray. I think you know what I mean – the Lord works in mysterious ways.
If the Spirit is pressing you to give to God’s Kingdom, and you’ve decided that our ministry is a good outlet for that need, there are two ways to do that: 1) go to this Wycliffe site and complete the process on the Internet, or 2) send a check payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators to the following address, with a note that your gift is for our ministry.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200
You may be interested to know that we have two kinds of financial needs: regular monthly support and one-time household setup. So far as the first goes, we need to receive about 9% more ongoing support before we can go to Germany (as of 7/8/2011). Once we get there, we have to “set up house” by purchasing a car and home furnishings. So far, we have a bit more than 62% of that amount (as of 7/8/2011). To contribute to our getting set up there, please note that your gift is for account 281600-71.