Looking for a place to call home

Please pray this week for our efforts to find a house or flat that we can call home. The best leads here come through word of mouth, and we are thankful to our new friends and colleagues for asking around on our behalf. There may be one or two more options to explore, but the opportunity that pleases us the most is a newly-renovated house across the creek from the village’s main church.

Every locale has its own set of laws, guidelines, and practices for the rental of homes. We’re working with our German colleagues to navigate the terms and criteria involved in setting the rental price. The house owner is new to renting, and we’re new to Germany, so there are plenty of opportunities for miscommunication and error. When you pray for this need, please focus on the need for good relationships, friendly communication, and accurate information. The place has its quirks and challenges, but it’s in a great location and we like it a lot. The boys would have just a short walk to school (which starts in just two days). And a creek. Guess which one they like more?

Here are some pictures that will give you imagery for those times of prayer – as well as another glimpse into what life is like here. Enjoy – and pray!

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Published by

David Liddle

I grew up in Media, Pennsylvania, close to Philadelphia. I graduated from The Citadel in 1994. In 1995, I joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and have served in Africa, the United States, and Germany. Katherine and I were married in November 1998.

2 thoughts on “Looking for a place to call home”

  1. Thanks for the push along, Paul — there’s been enough happening that I haven’t written here, or in a newsletter, in a while. The short answer is that we did find a place to live, but it’s not the house mentioned in this entry. We’re still in the process of getting settled in. Within the next few days, I’ll write more and provide some pictures, too.

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