A dear fellow who was one of my co-workers back in Dallas wrote to me – some time ago now – that it had been a while since I had written anything. He was right. And he was very kind to put it so mildly.
I like to distinguish between the terms reason and excuse. To use myself as an example, there are reasons why I haven’t written, but there are no excuses for the absence of communication. I hope that makes it clear.
The newsletter that we sent out last fall summarized our first two years here. I just read it again, and I think it was a fair description. What’s not fair is for you who care about our lives and our work to hear from us every two years, or nine months, or whatever gap causes you to ask, “I wonder whatever became of the Liddles?” or “I wonder how the Liddles are doing?”
I’m not going to try to use this space to give yet another belated summary of a long gap in time. Over the next week, though, I’m going to – I’m really, really going to – alternate between writing about our work and describing our
home life to give you the insight into our Wycliffe ministry that you deserve.
For those of you who pray to the Lord our God for us – you patient, forbearing souls – please pray for the fortitude I need to set aside time to write as I should for people who care.