Newsletter, October 2016

“Excuse me,” you say, “but it’s not October. It hasn’t been for, well, almost a month.”

Oh, but don’t you wish it was? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do Thanksgiving all over again? You could skip the regrettable things you did—like have that fifth piece of pie. Really, four was plenty.

The printed and mailed version of this newsletter of ours did indeed go out in October. They were fiber-rich and fat-free. The ones linked from this message are equally so—you may read either without fear of overstuffing yourself. Please do, because we don’t want any leftovers.

October 2016: A Liddle Good News (for viewing on-screen)

October 2016: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

The following pictures will help you see how I (David) have occasionally kept myself busy with bigger projects:

Installing APs in KarimuMounted AP, completed KarimuNew phones come in ...... old phones go outPhone lines aren't pretty, but useful

Published by

David Liddle

I grew up in Media, Pennsylvania, close to Philadelphia. I graduated from The Citadel in 1994. In 1995, I joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and have served in Africa, the United States, and Germany. Katherine and I were married in November 1998.