Newsletter, September 2013

“With your help, the next newsletter will be written from Germany!”

Yes, I wrote that more than two years ago – the last time I wrote and sent a newsletter.

“When I return from this conference, I will work on writing a newsletter to highlight what has happened in our family life and in my work over the past year.”

And, yes, I wrote that more than a year ago, promising to rectify the error. Ugh.

Among those reading these words now – or the words in the newsletter, if they’ve skipped over this drivel – are people who have faithfully kept us living and working in Germany despite our unfaithfulness in keeping in touch. And within that group are folks who began supporting our ministry two years ago so that we could come here in the first place. The actions and prayers of our brothers and sisters are a powerful testimony to their love, and we are indeed grateful. We have not been in want.

So here is our newsletter, a summary of life and work for the Liddles as we serve Wycliffe Bible Translators from central Germany.

September 2013: A Liddle Good News (for viewing on-screen)

September 2013: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

Thank you for reading – and for being patient with us!

Newsletter, May 2011

We’ve been in Saint Joseph, Missouri, for the whole time between the last newsletter and this one. When you read our latest news, you’ll see that our location could change soon with a little more help from our brothers and sisters.

May 2011: A Liddle Good News (for viewing on-screen)

May 2011: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

The people who receive this letter by mail will also get our new prayer card. Please let me know if you would like one mailed to you.

Please take a few minutes to read the letter below from our future director, Frank Lautenschlager, regarding the immediate need for us to serve Wycliffe there in Germany. If our God moves you to become one of the partners who will send us there this summer, just refer to the Invitation to Partnership published by Wycliffe USA on our behalf.

A Letter from Frank Lautenschlager, Director of Wycliffe Europe

Invitation to Partnership with the Liddles

Thank you for being a part of our ministry through your interest in us — and your prayers for us. With your help, the next newsletter will be written from Germany!


Newsletter, January 2011

Life between this newsletter and the previous one was pretty much focused on getting the house and ourselves ready for leaving Dallas. If you’ve read the other entries on our website, you know that other things have happened, too. This newsletter is a summary of the latter part of 2010, with a few photos thrown in to provide some eye candy. It launches us into 2011, when we hope to see our family pack off to Germany.

Please read the newsletter and let it encourage you that we’re making progress in our journey back overseas. Without your help and interest, none of this would be happening.

January 2011: A Liddle Good News (for reading on-screen)

January 2011: A Liddle Good News (for printing)

P.S. Please take note that our mailing address has changed!