Keeping our focus on the end result

Last week, during one of our morning devotional times at the office, we watched a video produced from last year’s launch of the Solomon Islands Pidgin† Bible. After many years of hard work, the translators – who were assisted by Wycliffe translation consultants – had finished the whole Bible, and their work had gone through the entire checking and publishing process. Now it was time for it’s release, and I can’t think of any other book in the world that receives such attention at its launching.

Celebrations were planned and put on all over the country, small as it is, and dignitaries at all levels were present to praise the work and the diligent people who brought it about. The event was scheduled to coincide with the day marking the country’s 30th year of independence. This newly completed translation received the highest level of attention and respect that could be given by the nation and the culture.

What struck me the most was hearing government leaders stating, in both the ceremonies and personal interviews, how foundational God’s Word is to the governance, development, and unity of the nation. These leaders are convinced that having the Word in the language of the people is important for the success of the Solomon Islands.

In addition to footage of the formal ceremonies, speeches, and traditional dances, the video also showed scenes of the translation team working together and with the consultants who helped them with the process. The scenes had a few things in common. One was people – you just can’t do a Bible translation without people dedicated to it from beginning to end. Another thing I noticed was that at least one computer could be seen in each instance. There they were, quietly sitting in the background.

Being mere tools in the hands of the translators, computers don’t get much attention. They shouldn’t. But just as a hammer is essential to the work of a carpenter, a computer is now essential for the work of the Bible translator. My colleagues and I work very hard to keep computers in the background of each translator’s and consultant’s work – we only give them attention when they break or need an adjustment. At all other times, God’s Word and the people who listen to it, read it, and translate it should have the focus.

When we “retire” computers from campus use after three or four years, we assess their condition and quality to determine if they might be suitable tools for our colleagues overseas who cannot afford to purchase a new computer. If a laptop is still in good shape, then we breathe new life into it and send it with a translation consultant to a translator who needs a new(er) tool. Perhaps one day I will recognize a computer I serviced in another video – even if I don’t recognize the person using it.

Please pray today for all of the translation workers around the world who need a new computer, and pray that this need will not be a barrier to progress in their work.

† A “pidgin” language is one in which the words from one language have been blended with the grammar of another to form a language significantly different from either. Normally, a stable pidgin that has native speakers is called a “creole” language, but you know how names stick sometimes. English, by the way, is technically a creole language – it has a long history of borrowing heavily from other languages.

Check-IT-Out: Arlington, TX

The Seed Company is hosting a joint special event with Wycliffe Bible Translators called “Check-IT-Out” for information technology (IT) and software development professionals May 15 – 16, 2009 at The Seed Company, in Arlington, TX.

Conference topics include Introduction to the World of Wycliffe; Business Application Software; Language and Translation Support Software; Challenging Language Scripts; Telecommunication Challenges; International Training; demonstrations of cutting edge programs like the FieldWorks Suite and Speech Analyzer and a brief tour of the IT department at The Seed Company.

The May 15 -16, 2009 Check-IT-Out conference runs 1:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Friday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. The $100 registration fee includes three meals, snacks, and conference materials. Registration and more information is available at

The conference in Arlington is part of a series of Check-IT-Out conferences. Currently Wycliffe has openings for close to 205 IT professionals worldwide.

Saying goodbye to friends … for now

A few hours ago, we said goodbye to some folks who have been good friends for the past three and a half years. Loren and Kensey Ledebuhr and their two children are on the last leg of a journey that’s going to take them away from Dallas to serve Wycliffe in Papua New Guinea. Our kids have played together and learned together, and they probably don’t understand what tonight’s goodbye meant. The four of us adults have enjoyed a good friendship that spanned life at the office and in the home, and you just hate to give up something like that.

On the other hand, God desires to use His children wherever they are willing to go. Loren and Kensey’s skills will be put to good use in PNG, and I won’t grudge the Lord having and using them there instead of here. Really.

“The LORD bless you
and keep you;

the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;

the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV)